
business :: credit card savvy

With the holiday season coming up, sales on my art website are starting to pick up, so I have been seriously thinking about getting serious and accepting credit cards right on the site, just like the big boys and girls do. Currently I only accept checks or paypal. Paypal is ok, but there are A LOT of customers out their that just refuse to make payments through paypal.

So from the advice of my web savvy, internet entrepenuer son, I've decided to look into some websites that specialize in credit card processing . One site I found is called MerchantAcceptance.com. They process major credit cards like MasterCard®, Visa®, American Express®, Diners Club®, Discover® Network®, to name just a few as well as support terminals available from leading vendors, including LinkPoint®, TeleCheck®, VeriFone® and Hypercom® — all of which provide multiple non cash payment options. PLUS they process credit and debit cards transactions in person, by phone, online, or wireless. It sounds to me like they have it all wrapped up. The website definitely has me impressed and all the services it provides just for processing credit cards is just as impressive. I guess you would call it one stop shopping for your credit processing needs.

I think I'm sold!

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