Theres an old saying, A place for everything and everything in it's place. If you're one of those that likes to keep everything neat and in it's place, I'm sure that goes for all your electronic gadgets and gizmos as well. Heck, what looks worse then a bunch of plugs , chargers and wires hanging out of the wall . Now they have charging stations for all your gizmos and they come in all shapes and styles - usually ugly. But I found this one over at Pottery Barn and it looks good enough to pass as a real piece of furniture.This cool little organizer has classic good looks along with a dual purpose – Smart Technology that seamlessly connects you to high-tech accessories by keeping electronics and cords hidden away, while organizing and holding household items. You can keep all your papers and bills sorted while recharging portable electronics with this stylish recharge station.

It's on sale over at Pottery Barn for a JUST COOL 49.00!
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