
Careers :: are you nurse material?

This weekend my good friend Laura and her daughter are coming down from New Hampshire for a visit. We met when our kids were in kindergarten together. The kids have been best friends for the last 11 years, despite their family going through many moves all over the East Coast. I wasn't surprised when Laura mentioned to me last year that she was going back to school for nursing. She has always been such a caring and compassionate lady that I couldn't see her in any career BUT nursing. She and her husband had just separated and she was worried about making ends meet so started checking out various lpn schools.

Theres a great resource online if you want to learn more about nursing schools and a nursing career. It's called nursing-school.org and I was checking it out myself and found it highly informative. I never knew that there are over seven degrees that you can get in nursing, an LPN being just one of them. And for an LPN you can complete your certification in as little as seven months. Did you know that? This website tells you everything, has interesting articles relating to the healthcare profession and includes listings of the schools by state, degree and occupation. There are even online programs. I think Laura made an excellent choice to become a nurse. It's the fastest growing profession in the US right now!

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