My Devils Swimming Pool post below brought back memories of a place we used to frequent as kids way back when. Being located in the armpit of New York State I can't say that there are many spectacular waterfalls around here, like you see in the travel guides. But there are a few scenic spots that should not go unmentioned. Canajoharie Gorge is one of them. My family would often pack a picnic and jump in the 63 wagon for a trip there. Us kids would "shoot" to see who got the window and mom would keep us pacified with a bag of wonder bread in the back seat. We always new the park was near when we pulled through the toll booth at exit 27 and the smell of peppermint gum would permeate the air. It was the Beechnut factory and we'd fill our lungs with it's heavenly aroma as we neared one of our favorite day trip destinations.
Dad would haul out his duffle bag of crowbars and shovels, sledge hammers and picks. He was a rock hound and this 10000 yr old rock bed was the fossil mother lode -teaming with trilobites and other sea creatures. The water was always lukewarm and the bottom a slimy rock ledge, treacherous and slippery but well worth the watery hike to reach the falls. Little minnows would scurry past our legs. Sometimes crayfish too. It wasnt deep, maybe a foot or so.
My favorite spot was sitting on a ledge beneath a small group of waterfalls. It was natures spa. The soft cool water would gently pummel our backs and if we sat behind the sheet of loud rushing water our voices would echo in cool distorted sounds.
story to be continued....
OMYGOSH!!!!!!I'm so jealous!!!
That is art in itself!!!
E'lo! :0)
I'm not sure if I have talked to you before, but I also have a personal website full of scenic images at Foxx Trotter's Cavern. Take a gander if you so wish.
Canajoharie is a wonderful place to visit. I had relatives who lived there at one time.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
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