cool product:: cutlery camps out
Pets :: a solution for stinky

Poppy Petunia has the worst breath lately!! It smells like dead fish and no matter what product I try, it just doesn't work. On top of that she just picked up another problem or should I say obsession -constantly licking her front legs. She needs relief and we need refuge from her dreaded fish breath. I switched her diet to a new very expensive dog food, (she doesn't like it either- of course! ) and even that didn't help. So am I happy that I just found a great website that may be the solution for her problems. It asks you questions about your dog and then custom tailors a program of health supplements and products for him / her. It's like taking a trip to the vet without leaving the comfort of your home. Poppy definitely likes that! I went to their solutions center , answered all their questions and Dinovite recommended some great products, from supplements, to treats and shampoos. I learned a lot about how our pets metabolize their food which in fact can be the root cause of allergies, shedding and even bad breath like Poppy has. Did you know that commercial dog food is cooked at extremely high temperatures which actually destroys many of the delicate nutrients your dog needs to be healthy. Basically, our pets walk around in state of semi malnourishment, missing things like vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, beneficial bacteria and essential fatty acids. Excessive shedding, itchy skin and stinky breath and fur are all signs of a nutritional deficiency and Dinovite fills in those lost nutirent "gaps" with it's specially formulated supplements. So how's your dog smelling these days? If your answer is "not too good" then you really need to check out Dinovite for a customized solution to your doggy odor problem.
photos :: creepy baby
... and maybe a little JUST COOL ;)
food :: ice cream gone too far
advertising :: water saving grocery check out
Just part of the brilliant ad campaign that Sukle Advertising and Design created to get the word out to save water. The Denver based campaign, whose baseline is “Keep our Rivers flowing, use only what you need,” transforms grocery store checkout belts into flowing rivers. Then, to really get the message across, the bars that customers use to separate the orders bear the campaign’s slogan.
fashion :: platter suits and teapot dresses

fashion :: up up and away!
cool product :: beat the heat
Soooo... if you have to have a fire extinguisher in your home, why not make it a cool looking one? These Fire Design extinguishers are cool enough looking that you may need to get a little pyro paranoid and outfit each and every room in the house with one ;)
design :: packaging that stinks
What will they think of next? Modern packaging for today's pet poop is what! Don't get caught out on your walk with Rover without a striking and cleverly designed canister of "Olives Poop Bags". Really, they are attractive - I love the Nate Williams zany artwork scribbled all over them and the company that produces them has thought of everything because they are eco friendly and bio degradable as well.
"Olive's biodegradable poop bags are made naturally from GMO-free corn starch and vegetable oil, are certified 100% biodegradable and compost in as little as 40 days. They come in two sizes - Unisex (small) and Super Poop (large) - and are available online at www.olivegreendog.com."
Poppy Petunia will take a few cans of the Unisex, please. Cuz these poop bags are JUST COOL!
art :: it's for the birds
treasured trash :: what to do with that fish bowl

Simone Georgette ... "Picked up this glass fish bowl from a second hand store for $5.00. What on earth was I going to do with it? I had no intention of using it for it's original purpose. So here's the equation. Sand from my favourite beach + 2 candles = FAB atmosphere at night..."