
weird :: the hills are alive with the sound of you...

Ever wish you could echo your voice throughout the land?

telemagaphone norway sound sculpture

Then quick, call this number: +4790369389 to broadcast your voice throughout the fjords of Norway! Now through September 06, 2008, Telemegaphone will blast your song, message, rant, rave or whatever through space over the village of Dalsfjord in Western Norway. This Telemegaphone, created by Swedish designers at Unsworn Industries is located on a mountain above the village. It is a 23-foot-tall wind-powered loudspeaker sculpture that picks up incoming calls . Unfortunately it is “available” only when the wind is blowing and the line isn’t busy.

“When you dial the Telemegaphone’s phone number the sound of your voice is projected out across the fjord, the valley and the village of Dale below. No answer? Telemegaphone Dale is wind powered and self-reliant. Recently however, the weather has been exceptionally calm in Dale and there has been a massive amount of people calling.”

telemegaphone norway music sound telephone sculpture

Read more here at OddInstrument.com>>>

I call this definitely..JUST COOL!

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