I was just checking out all the movie trailers on YouTube and found a few interesting ones I have never heard of. One of them, titled "Hatchiko, A Dog's Story", is about a man and his dog, starring Richard Gere. It's the touching and true tale of a man and his Akita dog in Japan and is a remake from the original movie made long time ago. In Tokyo's Shibuya Train Station, a brass statue of an Akita memorializes Japan's most beloved canine named Hachiko. Many fell in love with the real-life Hachiko, the devoted dog that became a fixture at that train station where he waited for almost a decade starting in the mid-1920s for his master's return. The movie follows this story. When Rebecca comes home this week with her Akita dog, Kismet, we will probably make our Thanksgiving pilgrimage to the movie theatre (we do this every year after the big feast, after all the theatres are practically empty on Thanksgiving day) and watch this movie. If I can find out where its playing, or IF it is playing.
Now this next movie trailer I checked out has me a little puzzled, looks a bit avant garde and a lot interesting. It stars such notables as William Shatner, Terry Thomas and Kasey Kasem. The description says that it took four decades to "create this American circus". The movie, titled Changes are Coming, is a satirical movie about America's final change, the change that takes us back to the days of Ancient Rome. From the trailer, it looks like it is about a circus with all sorts of clowns. But I really can't give you a synopsis on it - you're just going to have to watch the trailer for yourself, check out the website and make an opinion. I honestly don't know WHAT to make of it...

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