
science :: bed bugs are the real deal

I never thought when I started writing this blog, I'd be writing a post about bed bugs! The only thing I ever heard about bed bugs was when my mother would tuck me in at night and sweetly wish me a " Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!". In fact, I thought bed bugs were some medieval urban legend that only existed in the dark ages. Was I wrong! On my "PayPerPost" opportunities today I ran into a VERY interesting site about these little creepy crawly creatures that are actually alive and well - and may even be living in your bed! This informative site even shows a bed bug bites picture and tells you what to look for, how to identify them, remedies to rid yourself of them and more. I admit the photos were gross but I really learned alot about these pesky little vermin which thank goodness aren't shacking up in my bed. So check out the bed bugs guide website to see if you are co-habitating with the dreaded bed bugs! I hope not, because they are JUST not COOL!

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