Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Check them out here>>>
art - fake out in grand central station
Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Check them out here>>>
cool product :: green and cool reusable shopping bag
the flip & tumble bag

food :: healthier, feel good fast food
Hello, Zen Burger!

Zen Burger claims to revolutionize the fast food world with natural, wholesome vegetarian foods that have the look, feel, texture and taste of meats without the negative effects that meats pose to your health or the environment. From breakfast and lunch to dinner, their "comfort" foods include ZenSausage breakfast sandwich, ZenBeef burgers, crispy ZenChicken sandwich, ZenTuna sandwich and ZenHotDog, as well as perennial favorites like our ZenChicken tenders, ZenShrimp, French fries, organic salads, non-dairy ice cream, organic teas and coffees, natural sodas, etc.
After googling Zen Burger and reading a few reviews, I see it's mostly a thumbs up for this feel good fast food chain. It's just too bad there are only two restaurants open right now and I have to drive for three hours to get to the closest one! But check 'em out here>>>> You can even order online!
did you see something cool????

weird - what to do with one million post-its
cool product - modern fans to beat the heat
Summertime and the livin' is ... breezy...

When you have these ultra modern electric fans to beat the heat! Modern design goes cool with (clockwise from top)
La Luna: A stylish honeycomb.
Swiss Propeller Fan: simple and sleek.
Henning Boegershausen’s Foldair Fan: a minimalist dream come true.
Propello: Made of an aluminum fan-body and soft natural rubber fan-blades.
architecture - the house of staircases

fun - superhero yourself
Bored? Go over to Marvel Kids and turn into a superhero or better yet keep the kiddies occupied making superheros out of themselves.
cool products - wake up!

Originally intended for truckdrivers this alarm has so many other applications. See how it works at Think Geek - the Anti Sleep Driving Alarm
green - hemp and ford exposed
When he told a New York Times reporter that ethyl alcohol was "the fuel of the future" in 1925, he was expressing an opinion that was widely shared in the automotive industry. "The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust -- almost anything," he said. "There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There's enough alcohol in one year's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years."
weird - smoking rat caught red handed - it's fishy

Anyway, after seeing this, you won't find me in the canned sardine isle anymore... and I didn't know rats smoked. Did you?
Thats just WAY COOL!

furniture - Patricia Urquiola advanced seats are available

I hear she's into wire and emu's now. Check out her latest developments from Milano Salone 2008 over at Kim's blog
I still like the upholstered pieces for comfort...don't you just want to sink into one of these lovelies? They're JUST COOL!
architecture - my island home
art - watching Dali's clock melt

Watching the clock won't be so boring when its watching these cool melting wall clocks inspired by Salvadore Dali's famous painting, The Persistence of Memory, painted in 1931. You probably don't have a tree limb handy but anywhere you hang them (or place them) they will be the talk of your surreal decor. Pick one up over at etsy at Pragmatic Effects.

they are Just Cool!
weird - watermelon art and thinking inside the box
You wouldn't think that watermelons, decorating and painting a room would have anything in common, would you? Well they don't really, but this morning when I was playing around in photoshop (as i often do) with watermelon colors I made up these cool optical illusions. Look at them for awhile. One grows while the other shrinks...
Could this mean that painting a room dark with light furnishings will make it visually recede and appear larger, while painting it light with dark furnishings will do the opposite and make it seem smaller? Or the opposite?

The whole concept of how we see color and how it affects everything around us, though, is amazing!
and of course... JUST COOL!

Need a watermelon print for your kitchen? I have one and you can buy it here>>>
cool products - AXON razorback, first anti-gravity racer - look ma, no wheels!
No wheels, just extreme air lifts The Axon Razorback - Anti-Gravity Racer. This radio controlled racing dynamo hovers above the ground for fearless racing up to speeds of 45 mph and more. This is the very first, one and only radio controlled hover craft / anti gravity racer from Axon Racing Systems. It will hit the market in early September so fasten your seat belts. You're in for the ride of your life! Check out the companies website for pre-order information here>>>
art - eBoy posters - pixels that pop
What do you get when you mix legos and art with three talented graphic designers? You get eBoy.

Berlin based eBoy, a pixel art group founded in 1998 by Steffen Sauerteig, Svend Smital and Kai Vermehr creates pixelated objects to make it's amazingly complex artwork. The designers have created entire ultra cool and colorful cityscapes of London, New York, Berlin ,Tokyo and Los Angeles and I'm sure more cities are coming. Their posters are rich in detail, pulled from pop culture and commercial icons in a 3d lego like style, filled with robots, cars, guns and girls. Look closely and you can make out every little rectangular pixel that makes these images so unique.
Shown below at one of their exhibitions in June. They also have a line of toys, the Peecol edition - eboy action figures if you will.

weird - rice crispy treat beverage cooler
Don't we just love products that have more than one function? Over at my science project they did a weird experiment to see which carbohydrate made the coolest (literally) beer cozy. You know, that holder you set your beer in, to keep it cool (which btw should be called a beer cooly because any cozy I ever knew kept things warm, not cold).
So the candidates were: a clump of glazed donuts (I'm really plugging Krispy Kreme this week) , a stack of bagels, all cut to hold the can, and my favorite, Rice Crispies Treats, molded to hold the can. And the winner was: the Rice Crispies Treats!
They actually performed above the neoprene foam rubber can holders - keeping the beverage 2 degrees colder. Way to go, RCT! But the best part about these sweet sticky can holders is that when you're done drinking, there's always dessert.
Check out how to make your cool can holders and other cool experiments over at my science project
They promise to keep your beer JUST COOL ;)
art - scrap metal robots ... recycled cuteness