iphone :: a costume?
If you still haven't found that perfect costume for the party Saturday night and you love your iphone then this geeky Halloween disguise may be for you. It's the world's first award winning "working" iPhone costume created by Reko Rivera and John Savio. The two costumes have 3 batteries each with a total runtime of 4.5 hours before needing to be charged overnight. It all started two years ago, when Reko Rivera and Bobby Hartman created a wearable large iPhone costume with a real 37" lcd tv. An iPod was attached with a looping video of a real iphones screen in normal use. This time with the help of John Savio and John Matthews the team created yet another amazing rendition of the new iPhone 3GS. Savio loved the original idea but wanted to take it to the next level and make it thinner and actually work with user input! With some heavy researching and some solid determination Savio finally found a solution. He managed to modify the software on the iPhone to allow a live dual image output to the large 42" lcd tv while maintaining the image in landscape mode. Reko originally came up with the idea and really pushed to see his vision come to life two years ago. This year John and Reko plan to compete in most of the local and online contest to win back the two thousand dollars invested in the costumes design. If you want one of have questions just contact John at guyphones@gmail.com. Cuz this iphone costume is JUST COOL!
halloween :: costume picks
In the spirit of Halloween, I think i'll sprinkle my blog with some cute, fun, weird and interesting costume choices. Like this one....

Wish I could dress Poppy Petunia up, but she'll have nothing to do with clothes - she freezes like a statue when I put her in clothes :( . Good for calming her down though - kind of like a straight jacket , hehe.
graves :: headstone humor
With Halloween right around the corner ( just a few days to be exact) it's time to take a graveyard stroll and check out some funny headstones from around the world and across the internet.Now aren't these JUST COOL?

Rex the dog

R. Anderson

Santa Claus

Merv Griffin

Paul G. Lind

Katherine Cross was murdered by human wolves!

a cell phone grave stone?? Deceased unknown

Raymond Tse

George Q. Whitney

On vacation - hold mail - Bud and Bonnie Gelow
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regretsy :: crafts gone wrong
No doubt you've heard of Etsy.com, that long-haired, Birkenstocked love child craft website of Amazon and eBay. It's a crafts-only marketplace (and now vintage too!) oozing with personality. Picture Martha Stewart reincarnated as Ani DiFranco and you get the gist. It's the go-to site for handmade fashion, furniture, toys and housewares. I sell both my art prints and my vintage collectibles on Etsy and swear by it.
But have you heard of Regretsy.com? I hadn't, until my super web savvy DIL Sasha sent me a link to this hilarious website that delivers some of the funniest most outlandish crazy items that some people get away with selling on Etsy.com. Take a look at some of these and have a laugh!
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This is clowee, my pygmy goat. Isnt she adorable?? She is an indoor goat and acts like a dog. She is my model for all my goat clothes. |
On Sale Pop Tab and Safty Pin Get Out Of Jail Free White Crochet Choker

This choker is 15" long and 1" wide. The band is all hand crochet in white size 1o crochet thread. It features pop tabs held together with copper safty pins. At it's center is a chance car "Get Out Of Jail Free" from a monopoly game. The card is covered in plastic.
Now on sale! Was 20 dollars and now only 15!
Frida Kahlo Uterus Plushie |
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Complete with uni-brow and an unyielding creative presence. Modeled after the feminist icon and artist Frida Kahlo: this plush features a braided floral hair-do, full and serious lips, her signature uni brow, large colorful earrings with floral inlay, two golden necklaces and a Spanish style skirt. This plush is made of soft flannel and animal friendly fiberfill. She measures about 11 1/2" from fallopian tube to fallopian tube |
Christmas Nativity Meerkats

Christmas meerkats in the spirit of an infant school Nativity play!
Joseph Meerkat is wearing a loosely belted tunic and is gazing protectively at Mary Meerkat who wears a traditional blue gown. Her shawl drapes modestly over her head and has convenient openings for her ears to pop through.
Rag Rug Necklace

Handmade from post manufactured silk cut-offs and inspired by the traditional textile craft technique of rag rugging.
This Unique range of jewellery is created by looping the silk pieces into a shaped bed of hessian.
Merkin Hairy Panties Size Large

Working the Merkin! Fluff the Muff!
These hair panties have brown faux fur that will not shed.
Who knew there were these "unusual finds" lurking amidst your average ordinary crafts / stuff on etsy. Not I ! Check out Regretsy.com - it's a riot AND JUST COOL!
Food :: amazing spaghetti tree harvest
I never knew spaghetti grew on trees, did you? Sheesh, you learn something new everyday. Only in Switzerland will you find this amazing Spaghetti Tree! I wonder if it grows whole wheat or durham semolina ;)
Here's how spaghetti is harvested, farm fresh and straight off the tree...
Is it a hoax? "In 1957 the respected BBC news show Panorama announced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination of the dreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop. It accompanied this announcement with footage of Swiss peasants pulling strands of spaghetti down from trees. Huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Many called the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To this the BBC diplomatically replied that they should "place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best."
filed under
spaghetti tree,
iPhone :: goes midcentury modern
I bet half of my readers , maybe even you, have never used a real live rotary telephone before .You know...the one with that round dial with holes in it that click click clicks when you dial the number? Well now here's your chance because there's an app that gives you that old fashioned rotary phone experience on your iphone and it really works. About the iRetroPhone, Saul Hansell (NY Times - Bits Blog) wrote: "...the goofiest $2.99 I’ve spent so far, draws an old-fashioned rotary dial on the screen." You can dial it yourself or simply click on one of your contacts and watch it dial for you. Check out iRetroPhone in the ITunes store - on sale for a limited time only - just 99 cents and... JUST COOL!
travel :: southwest makes it fun
It's fun flying Southwest. Even when they do pack us in like sardines... And here's why...
Southwest just makes things more interesting ...and JUST COOL!
multi-tasking :: the briefcase toilet

I'm not much for toilet humor but this is one funny toilet! Only in Japan would they come up with something as multifunctionally weird as this. It's called the Rescue Toilet. Intended for emergency use, it folds up into a briefcase (see bottom left illustration) so it's just dandy for people who are on the go ;) And then there's the ultimate upscale version called the Gotta Go Briefcase Toilet (below). For those of you who prefer to go in style, Japan also brings us a luxury model. From InventorSpot : "The water proof briefcase [toilet] retains an elegant yet durable appearance with high quality Mahogany leather, a strong lightweight aluminum internal structure, and stainless steel bowl with generously equipped sealing lid. Quietly and discreetly go about your personal "business" anywhere you please with a fold out leather privacy panel which tucks away neatly to the side when you have completed your multi-tasking. A toilet paper dispenser easily swings out and can be conveniently stored in an inconspicuous storage compartment under the padding [for added discretion] when not in use.Also included are the small tray with cup holder (clips onto the privacy panel), attachable vanity mirror, and refillable hand sanitizing dispenser. The newspaper and air freshener are not included but recommended."

Hmmm...what's wrong with this picture ??? Can't say it's JUST COOL...
fashion :: let there be light!

Sure it looks a little geeky but what a great idea! The Solar Light Cap is brilliant because it collects solar energy during the day and provides the wearer with lighting at night - no need for batteries - giving off more than enough light for most people, with up to 5 hours of full power operation from a fully charged cap! With so many applications this handy hat is really JUST COOL!It's available in a range of styles and colors, ranging in price from USD$39.90 to $44.90.
blogs :: best of 2009
Just like you, I am always looking for some great blogs to read. Time makes it easy having listed it's top pick for the best blogs of 2009. So check these out!
- Talking Points Memo
- The Huffington Post
- Lifehacker
- Metafilter
- The Daily Dish by Andrew Sullivan
- Freakonomics
- BoingBoing
- Got2BeGreen
- Zen Habits
- The Conscience of a Liberal: Paul Krugman
- Crooks and Liars
- Generación Y
- Mashable
- Slashfood
- Official Google Blog
- synthesis
- bleat
- /Film
- Seth Godin's Blog
- Deadspin: Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretion
- Dooce
- Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
- Said the Gramophone
- Detention Slip
- Bad Astronomy
plants :: feed me - amazing carnivores!

Rat-eating plant: The team of botanists, led by British experts Stewart McPherson and Alastair Robinson, found the plant on Mount Victoria in the Philippines. Photo: STEWART MCPHERSON
If the play / movie "Little Shop of Horrors" didn't spark your interest about the intriquing world of carnivorous plants, then listen up. Not only is the Venus Fly Trap a fascinating plant creature but there are literally hundreds of others that have adapted and evolved into this unique and interesting plant group that lures, traps and then devours insects. They entice their prey with scent, color, and nectar and can be found growing in most regions of the world and although most do eat small insects, the larger plants such as Nepenthes can eat small amphibians and rodents.CRAZY! It's no wonder that these unusual plants are collected and grown by hobbyists the world over! Makes me want to get my green thumb out and give this hobby a whirl. But living in the Northeastern United States (the mercury dropped to 28 degrees last night and it's only October and I live in a big old drafty Victorian house) I don't know how the little fellas would survive under my care. But take a look at these spectacular bug eating wonders. What beautiful examples of Mother Nature's creativity!

venus fly trap

Sarracenia flava


Drosera peltata


So...aren't these amazing plants JUST COOL?? Find out more about them - even how to grow them at sarracenia.
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funny :: invisible dogs in NYC
I love the stunts (or missions as they call them) that ImprovEverywhere pulls off! Here's a hilarious one involving 2000 plus actors walking their invisible dogs on the streets of New York. Check it out and laugh!
For their latest mission, over 2,000 people walked “invisible dogs” down the streets of Brooklyn on a Sunday afternoon. The leashes were on loan from the current owner of 51 Bergen Street, the factory space where the invisible dog toy was invented in the 1970s. Participants of all ages spread out from Red Hook to Brooklyn Heights, very seriously walking their very silly dogs.
ImprovEverywhere - they are JUST COOL!
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iphone :: trippy concept art
Kudos to Ravensword and more great reviews! According to the latest one at 148apps , "the game also has some pretty trippy concept art." Yup, pretty trippy sums it up!

Read more at http://www.148apps.com/news/ravensword-fallen-king-coming-iphone-ipod-touch/#ixzz0TMR7ypjA
filed under
rpg game
furniture :: sleeping in an ottoman
Now you see it, now you don't! Everyone needs extra sleeping space for that extra unexpected overnight guest and this is the perfect solution. Not your hefty sleeper sofa at all but a sleeper ottoman!

It looks great and when you need an extra bed - it flips out - and right back in with ease. Lucyau has some stylish solutions for storage and some great multifunctional furniture that's a little different then the conventional stuff. I love this idea! How JUST COOL!
DIY :: bowls that felt good

It's like magic! These funky JUST COOL felted nesting bowls are easy to make (if you know how to knit that is). All you do is knit three ski caps in graduated sizes like this....

Then throw them into the washing machine on the hot water setting. And at the end of the cycle take them out and instead of three ski caps you have (VIOLA!) three cool felted nesting bowls.

Now how JUST COOL is that? Just COOL... check out design sponge for more details...
green :: a natural hang up
If ya gotta hang up your clothes then go natural. Hang them on these nifty branch hangers. I love these!
remember :: with this it's easy
I don't know how good your memory is but if I don't write it down, I tend to forget it! So isn't this nifty online checklist handy! Just keep it bookmarked on your toolbar and when you need to make a checklist it's right there. Print it out, put it in your purse and check it off. (Oh and don't forget that you put it in your purse hehe). So helpful for those of us who need a little extra help sometimes ;)
Finally... a checklist that is JUST COOL!
filed under
check list,
cool product :: the yoke shopper
The perfect solution for the shopaholic! When just two hands are not enough to lug all those bags, this clever contraption becomes your third. It's the Yoke Shopper.

Small enough to throw in a handbag or slip into a pocket, the Yoke Shopper is essentially nothing more than a plastic hook with a retractable strap. The lightweight device has been ergonomically designed to fit an average person’s left or right hand, so it can be used simply to distribute the weight of multiple bags and stop them cutting into one's fingers. Alternatively, the shoulder strap can be pulled out to the required length at the push of the orange button to free up your hands to answer your cell, retrieve the car keys or any other thing you need to do.
filed under
cool product,
shopping bag
contest :: win a 2010 Camaro 2SS
Hey people! Remember all those giveaways Charter was giving away earlier? Well now they're giving away something even better then a laptop - A new Camaro! Not just any Camaro either but the 2010 Camaro 2SS which is a top of the line for Camaro and actually very hard to find! Charter will even include the sales tax in with the prize so you don't have to worry about coming up with that either. Their JUST COOL Camaro Sweepstakes runs from September 15 through November 26 at noon so definitely check it out!
If you aren't familiar with Charter then you should be. Charter Communications, Inc. is a leading broadband communications company and the fourth largest cable operator in the United States. Charter provides a full range of advanced broadband services, including advanced Digital Cable TV entertainment programming, Charter High-Speed™ Internet access service, and Charter Telephone™ services. AND they always have the coolest promotions and sweepstakes going on. For instance you can get a $100 gift card when you buy 3 Charter services, $50 gift card for 2 services, and $25 gift card when you buy 1 Charter service. For the camaro sweepstakes visit charter.com/camaro to register to win and to view the complete rules as well as specifications on the Camaro and more. Or check out Charter on Facebook and Charter on Twitter .

art :: your own Jackson Pollock
I admit I'm a cheapskate when it comes to spending money so when I found out that I could save millions by painting my own Jackson Pollock, I did it. You too can bring out your inner "Pollock", thanks to some very clever flash programming and a cool website over at www.jacksonpollock.org. Try it yourself. Click here then move your mouse to draw, click to change colors and hit the spacebar to start over. Smooth, interesting and quick loading. An excellent example of interactive web design.
BTW, what do you think of my masterpiece ? I think its messy... but that site is just cool!
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art.jackson pollock,
digital art,
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