interiors :: organized walls

camping :: how to get eaten by a bear

I don't know about you but I won't be sleeping in a bear anytime soon. When I was just a wee baby, my brave five year old brother saved me from the jaws of a big old bear in Yellowstone Park. It wasn't Yogi or Boo Boo either - it was the real deal! So I'll pass on this JUST COOL sleeping bag and word to the wize - don't sleep in this while camping in bear infested campgrounds. May attract attention...
fashion :: style for plus sizes
stairs :: the coolest for the smallest

on the web :: cranking up the seo

furniture :: you see saw it here
It looks like a seesaw but its a chair! The Swingers Chair by designer Jaebeom Jeong plays on the idea that while two strangers sit on it and may never meet each other face to face they are dependent on each other's actions to sit down and get up. I'd like to see two strangers sitting on this funky chair. How would they react?

on the web :: the host with the most

For that reason I decided what I should do and should have done all along ,was to get my own website hosting and not have to rely on blogger, or any other blog hosting website. So I googled the words "web hosting" and found a great website that consolidates all the top rated web hosting sites onto one very informative directory. It's called www.webhostinggeeks.com. It has honest, independent reviews of the best web hosting providers with cheap professional web hosting services under $10 a month and get this : all webhosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and 30 day money back guarantee. So people, go ahead, start your own blog and if you are seriously considering getting your own hosting for it or for your own website, be sure to do your homework first and check out the web hosting geeks for the best in reviews and information!
kids :: a house of their own

Netherlands based company QUUBI builds each of these tiny fairytale houses to order. Each is made of durable, high-quality materials, is environment-friendly and a portion of all sales goes to “Right to play”, because QB feels that all children have the right to play.

travel :: swimming with dolphins!

art :: the beauty of fast food
Art is all around us. Even in today's lunch . The Molecular Expressions Team at Florida State University analyzes various substances under powerful microscopes and then, with the art of photomicrography ( photography with a microscope), they post the amazing screenshots online. Who'da guess a hamburger could be so pretty.

the onion

the fries
check out more from Molecular Expressions here...
(including what you had to drink last night.)
art :: own a masterpiece!

ebay :: extreme cave home for sale
advertising :: all you can eat

via adpunch
windows :: updating to save money

I like the new shades that The Shade Store has recently introduced for just such an installation. Their window coverings called Eco-Solar Shades not only add style, but are truly energy efficient. They are environmentally friendly too, conserving energy and saving you money at the same time. They have some unique features that I really like. They absorb heat, keeping your home comfy in both the summer and winter months, they reduce annoying glare and they protect all your beautiful furnishings and carpets from harmful UV rays which can damage and fade the fibers (and fade artwork on your wall as well - bet you didn't know that!). PLUS they are minimal enough to preserve your view of the outdoors, yet sleek and stylish at the same time.
Even if you aren't building a new home or putting up a prefab like these flatpak cabins, consider how updating from inefficient window coverings to ones like these solar shades can add beauty to your living space and put money in your pocket, too! Right now, The Shade Store is offering 15% off and free shipping on all orders that use the code: IZEA01 . So hurry, check them out!

medicine :: ringtone surgery = bigger boobs
recycle :: let's book

design :: to vase or to unvase

fashion :: dreamy diamond wristwatch

pets :: remote control for your cat

games :: everything for paintball!

The website is chock full of everything they will need including Tippmann, Spyder, Smart Parts, Dye, Empire, Draxxus paintball gear, plus more, more, more! So kids, GO FOR IT and get that spyder paintball gun that you've been wanting!
spring :: has it sprung yet?
28 days and counting 'til the first day of Spring! The frosting of snow outside doesn't keep me from browsing through the Spring garden catalogs. And heck, if Winter decides to rear it's ugly head for longer then it's designated three months, why not bring Spring indoors? I saw this wonderful vertical garden on the Smith and Hawken's site that I have to have! Yummm... fresh herbs in all my cooking, wonderful herby smells throughout the house and it will save me moulah as well since I won't have to buy those plastic containers of wilted herbs in the produce section anymore.

The US MAIL :: goes midcentury modern

Design :: windows go green